
Table of Contents*
- SPSA Title Page
- Purpose and Description
- Needs Assessment
- Priority Focus Areas/Identified Needs
- Educational Partner Involvement
- Annual Review
- Resource Inequities
- Priority Focus Area (Goal) 1
- Priority Focus Area (Goal) 2
- Priority Focus Area (Goal) 3
- LCAP ITEM (High School & Middle Schools Only)
- LCAP ITEM (Elementary Schools Only)
- ATSI Identified Schools
- Budget Summary
- Budgeted Funds and Expenditures in this Plan
- Recommendations and Assurances
- School Site Council Membership
- School and Student Performance Data
- Instructions
- Appendix A: Plan Requirements
- Appendix B: Plan Requirements for School to CSI/ATSI Planning Requirements
- Appendix C: Select State and Federal Programs
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