Community Service Recognition

We at Irvine High School value those who volunteer in our community. Not only do students who volunteer make significant contributions to our community but are rewarded with invaluable personal growth.

Students who voluntarily engage in at least 25 hours of community service during the current school year will be recognized by receiving an entry on their transcript.

Important Reminders

  • Must have a total of 25 volunteer hours during the current school year - summer, fall & spring.
  • The number of volunteer hours will not be included on the transcript.
  • Student is responsible for keeping their own records of community service hours.
  • Illegible or incomplete forms cannot be processed.
  • Community/Volunteer service is not the same as Work Experience, available to seniors only.

*Please note participation in community service is voluntary and not required as part of the regular school program. Participation in community service is not a district-sponsored activity and Irvine Unified School District assumes no liability.