IHS Counseling



Welcome to the Irvine High Counseling Department Website. Our mission is to provide academic, personal and social, and college and career planning support to all students. The Irvine High Counseling Team works collaboratively with all students, parents, administration, teachers, and the community to prepare students for their post-high school goals. We look forward to working with our students and families this school year.

Counseling Dept Photo update 24-25

Counselor availability

Counselors are assigned by Teacher Advisement (TA) groups. Please see the updated TA List HERE to learn who your counselor is for the 24-25 school year.

Walk In During Lunch

Monday - Fridays

By Appointment

Tuesday - Fridays

Before School 8:00-8:30

1st, 2nd, 7th or 8th Periods (if a student does not a have a class)

Students can use the links below to schedule an appointment.

Mr. Davis - bit.ly/IHSDAVIS

Mrs. Klamberg - bit.ly/IHSKLAMBERG

Mrs. Linquiti -  bit.ly/IHSLINQUITI  

Ms. Nguyen - bit.ly/IHSNGUYEN

Mr. Cota - bit.ly/IHSCOTA

Schedule Changes

IUSD Schedule Adjustment Timeline




  1. Students may request to add a class through the end of the second week of the semester.
  2. Students may drop a class until the first Progress Report without the class appearing on their official transcript.
  3. Students may drop a class with a W on the transcript until the last day of the Quarter.
  4. Students may no longer drop a class after Quarter 1 (Fall Semester) or Quarter 3 (Spring Semester).



  1. Classes may only be dropped if dropping the class does not make the student under-enrolled or create a gap in the student’s class schedule.
  2. Classes may be added only if there is space in that class and it works with the students existing schedule.
  3. Subject level adjustments (i.e AP US History to US History) will be added to a waitlist and reviewed through the end of the second week of the semester.





Counseling Program

Course of Studies

Course of Study

Graduation Cap Toss

College & Career

Travis's flowers

Mental Health/Wellness

Counseling Dept Photo update 24-25

Counseling Staff