College & Career

The Irvine High School College and Career Center is now located in the Library. 

Mr. Ruiz is available to assist  students with their College and Career planning Monday-Friday, 8am-4pm (Thursday 8-12noon).

College & Career center

UCI Medical Center

A-G Requirements


Career Counseling

Career counseling at Irvine High School is a personalized service offered to assist students in d
motherboard microchips

Career Tech Ed

Life can be enhanced through the acquisition of skills which are practical.
CCC Logo

Community College Info

Pens and Coins

Financial Aid & Scholarships

The links to the right will provide you accesses to several resources you can utilize to learn ab
ROP Logo

ROP Classes

Please click the link
Practice Test


SAT InformationSAT Information can be found here:
Summer Programs

Summer Opportunities