The high correlation between positive body image and positive self-image and between physical health and mental dexterity is well documented. Physical Education offers each student an opportunity to:
- Experience success
- Demonstrate measurable progress at his own speed
- Understand the function of major body systems
- Learn sound health practices
We seek a balance between the development of motor skills, and the development of skills in lifetime sports activities.
Physical Education Policies
Physical Education is required for all ninth-grade students. All freshmen will be required to take Frosh PE for the entire year, except when they are scheduled into a semester team sport. A second year of P.E. is required before graduation (20 credits). In general, the Physical Education classes are one quarter in length. All courses are offered as variable credit, which is dependent on student participation.
- The Physical Education staff recommends the broadest possible experiences within the elective program for each student.
- In any given semester period, a student may enroll in no more than 2 physical activity classes (as defined above).
- Team Sports, Pep Squad, Color Guard, and Marching Band may be taken for P.E. credit. However, freshmen participating in Marching Band, Dance Tech 1, or Dance Tech 2 must also enroll in a regular P.E. class.
Students participating in athletics should enroll in team sports period 4. Out-Of-Season Sports (OSS) is a 4th period class for athletes entering and exiting seasonal team sports. Non-athletes will not be scheduled into this class
Frosh Physical Education
All 9th graders, except those in team sports, will be enrolled in Frosh P.E. This class, in keeping with the California State Standards for physical education, will provide opportunities for freshmen to participate in a wide variety of individual and dual-sport activities which may include:
- Racquet sports (tennis, badminton, and pickle ball)
- Yoga
- Fitness
- Swimming
- Volleyball
- Basketball
- Other alternate sport activities
California Physical Fitness Test
Every March, our students in grade nine will participate in the California Physical Fitness Test. This health-related fitness test is intended to help students acquire lifelong habits of regular physical activity. The fitness test includes activities for the six standards of fitness, including:
- Aerobic capacity
- Body composition
- Abdominal strength and endurance
- Trunk extension strength and flexibility
- Upper body strength and endurance
- Flexibility
There are two or three options for most fitness areas so that all students, including those with special needs, have the maximum opportunity to participate. Two levels have been established to evaluate and report performance for each fitness area:
- In the Healthy Fitness Zone
- Needs improvement
The desired performance goal for each test option is the Healthy Fitness Zone, which represents a level of fitness that offers some protection against the diseases resulting from physical inactivity.
- Students must be in the Healthy Fitness Zone in at least five of the six standards.
- If a student does not meet the standard in five or more of the six standards, state law requires that student to be enrolled in a physical education course sophomore year until the student retakes the California Physical Fitness Test in the spring and meets the criteria.