Junior Timeline
Keep track of tasks during your sophomore year to be college and career ready!
Click the image or follow the link below to access and monitor important information for your junior year:

View the recommended videos for eleventh graders below. The suggested slides are also available in the "Quick Links" section on the right sidebar.
11th Grade Chat with the Counselor
2025-2026 Course Pathways
11th Grade Counseling Presentations
All junior students will attend an 11th Grade Counseling Presentation during their social science class in February. The presentation will cover the three counseling domains: academic, personal-social, and career, and how the counseling program is structured around these domains.
Academic (Graduation and College Information)
- Irvine High School Diploma and College/University Entrance Requirements
- College Prep Requirements (Minimum vs. Recommended)
- Higher Education Options (Community College, CSU. UC, and Private University Systems)
- Senior Year Planning (Graduation, Educational, and Career Goals)
- Standardized Testing Information and Timeline
- College Planning
- College Search Activity
- Discussion on Decisions, Goals, and Conflict Resolution
- Resources
- All students will receive an overview of the LIFE Center (Irvine College and Career Center)
- Information on NAVIANCE where students can begin their career research
- Resources