Schedule Changes

IUSD Schedule Adjustment Timeline


  1. Students may request to add a class through the end of the second week of the semester.
  2. Students may drop a class until the first Progress Report without the class appearing on their official transcript.
  3. Students may drop a class with a W on the transcript until the last day of the Quarter.
  4. Students may no longer drop a class after Quarter 1 (Fall Semester) or Quarter 3 (Spring Semester).


  1. Classes may only be dropped if dropping the class does not make the student under-enrolled or create a gap in the student’s class schedule.
  2. Classes may be added only if there is space in that class and it works with the students existing schedule.
  3. Subject level adjustments (i.e AP US History to US History) will be added to a waitlist and reviewed through the end of the second week of the semester.