Auto MLR I
Auto MLR (Maintenance and Light Repair) I is designed as a beginning automotive mechanic course that introduces students to:
- Automobile service and repair
- Shop safety
- Engine repair
- Automatic transmissions and transaxles
- Manual drive train and axles
- Suspension and steering, brakes
- Electrical and electronic systems
- Heating and air conditioning
- Engine performance
This is the first course in a 2-course sequence that prepares students for the Maintenance and Light Repair (MLR) ASE Student Certification test. Students will be introduced to automotive technology concepts in the classroom and be lab-based hands-on maintenance and repair experience. This course will also provide students with the opportunity to apply and extend concepts studied in their math and science classes (related to algebra, basic arithmetic, physics, and electrical, computer, and chemical sciences) to the automotive technology industry.
Auto MLR (Maintenance and Light Repair) II is designed as the second of a two-course sequence that continues instruction in:
- Automobile service and repair
- Shop safety
- Engine repair
- Automatic transmissions and transaxles
- Manual drive train and axles
- Ssuspension and steering
- Brakes
- Electrical and electronic systems
- Heating and air conditioning
- Engine performance
After completion of this course, students will be prepared for an internship or entry level position in today’s automotive services industry, beginning ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) certification, and will have completed the NATEF (National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation) MLR curriculum. This course will also provide students with the opportunity to apply and extend concepts studied in their math and science classes (related to algebra, basic arithmetic, physics, and electrical, computer, and chemical sciences) to the automotive technology industry.
Advanced Auto
Advanced Auto is a 1-year course that requires successful completion of MLR 1 and MLR 2. In this class students will be:
- Rebuilding and blueprinting engines
- Performing major repairs on vehicles
- Welding
- Working on metal fabrication