Irvine High offers a multitude of clubs to suit the varied interests of our student body. If you want to do something interesting, fun, and meaningful, then attend a club meeting and get involved. If you and group of friends have an idea for a club you’d like to start, see Mrs. Rosser in the ASB room.
Irvine High School programs and activities including membership in student clubs shall be free from discrimination based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, ethnic group identification, age, religion, actual or potential parental, family, or marital status, or the exclusion of any person because of pregnancy or related conditions, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; the perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. The lack of English skills shall not be a barrier to admission to or participation in the District’s activities and programs.