Each student at Irvine High School is assigned to a Teacher Advisor (TA), and the Teacher Advisors determines which counselor your student will have while at Irvine High School. A list of the Counseling Units, comprised of a Counselor and Teacher Advisors is posted in the Counseling Office and can be accessed at the link below:
The Teacher Advisement Program (TA) provides an invaluable service to students, parents and staff. It fosters communication and cooperation between and among all of these groups. Advisors have approximately 25 students of the same grade level whom they help guide through the high school years. Students are required to meet with their advisor three times each week (Monday, Thursday, and Friday after 1st period). This contact promotes the exchange of important grade level and school-wide information and furthers the development of the relationship between advisor and student. In addition, advisor-student-parent conferences are held annually in the spring.
Counselors provide direct support to TA’s, their advisement groups and families. Counselors are a primary source of guidance information in three domains: Academic, Personal/Social and Career. Thus, the counselor is available to assess, refer and/or counsel with students and their families on a wide variety of issues.
The advisor, supported by the counselor, is the crucial link between the array of educational opportunities and choices, and the student’s needs, abilities and interests.