
iTec inspiring curiosity

Introduction to Engineering

This course is aimed at giving students an introduction to engineering. To accomplish this goal students work in teams on challenging projects while working with tools, equipment and modeling software in the design process. Students learn technical sketch and drawing skills, design skills using modeling software, and manufacturing skills using hand tools and 3-D printers.

Principles of Engineering

In this course students apply advanced engineering skills using equipment and design software to solve real-world problems. Including mechanics, strength of structures and materials, automation, robotics, coding and energy systems.


Aerospace Engineering

Aerospace Engineering utilizes activity-project-problem-based (APPB) teaching to ignite student learning of the fundamentals of atmospheric and space flight.

Engineering Design and Development

Engineering Design and Development (EDD) is the capstone course in the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) high school engineering pathway. It is an open-ended engineering research course in which students work in teams to design and develop an original solution to a well-defined and justified open-ended problem by applying an engineering design process.

FIRST Robotics Team 7230

The first Robotics team participates in annual First Robotics Challenge Competitions organized by FIRST and gives participants a chance to experience the engineering industry hands-on. FIRST is designed to inspire young people's interest and participation in science and technology.

Student Working on a Project


Society of Women Engineers

This club is a chapter of a national organization, whose aim is to advance the position of women in engineering. Club is open to all students.

StellarXplorers Club

A National Space Design Competition is a space system design competition that challenges teams of students to solve orbit planning, satellite component, and launch operation scenarios in a series of online rounds. Website - StellarXplorers

CTE Logo

CA CTE Engineering Curriculum Standards


Society of Women Engineers

Project Lead the Way Logo

Project Lead the Way